TTMMHTM: Fiddle with JSFiddle, stop looking for ‘Likes’, conference book and Mozilla Events
Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 at 7:42 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- The incredibly useful JSFiddle wants to become even better and asks for your opinion by filling out a questionaire
- Peter-Paul Koch released a handbook for conference organisers
- The Insidious Evils of ‘Like’ Culture is a great article dealing with the dangers of caring too much about feedback
- A pretty cool list of advanced JavaScript Tips and Tricks
- A simple CSS trick for creating sprites with endless whitespace
- Lots of new looks for Github’s Octocat
- A collection of HTML5 validation patterns to apply to your form fields (a few need work)
- ala have build a beautiful scrolling site for themselves with lots of HTML5/CSS/JS trickery
- Physical GIF want to create Zoetropes from your GIF animations
- My Event Calendar finally got released on the Mozilla site