TTMMHTM: X-Men and gay rights, tongue stud wheelchair and accessibility in UX
Friday, June 10th, 2011 at 10:04 amThings that made me happy this morning:
- Did you also think that the awesome that is X-Men: First Class had a lot of gay undertones? This is totally on purpose as revealed in a comment of the screen write on the very good X-Men: First Class, Gay Rights, and the Intelligence Community article (detail about the comment). Cool.
- Steering a wheel chair with a tongue stud – how cool is that?
- T-Mobile let people play Angry Birds in real life – it happened in Barcelona and had a cool band, too
- YouTube now features HD preview images and the option to turn off the watermark – just add a
parameter to the URL - This is why interactive Doodles at Google rock: the playable (and now also internationally recordable) guitar doodle in action with a guy singing “Hey Jude”
- Paul Annett has a great piece on accessibility from a UX point of view with Accessibility – you’re doing it wrong.
- Tom Selleck could have been Indiana Jones but it was too hard to remove leaves and spider webs from that moustache
- The end credits of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban showed some very close to each other feet in a secluded corner. Filth, I say!
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