TTMMHTM: My name is Chris, Open Corporate, Blowing up Google Laptops, Seamcarving and 1k xmas trees
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010 at 2:06 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- Getting instant Karma feedback for signing a stranded traveler into the lounge so she can do a phone call and getting upgraded to business class on the flight to Heathrow (yeah, I watched too much My name is Earl lately)
- ChromeOS’ demolab is a cool Mythbusters/Will it blend like spoof
- Open Corporates is a database of corporation information
- Parashuram has a great demo of seamcarving with Canvas and Web Workers
- A wonderful comic of what to do with that feeling of emptiness in your chest
- Buy a bleeping shovel is a good reminder for all snow-plagued UK folk
- Asterix and Wikilix are comics about wikileaks
- A great writeup how the 1K JavaScript Christmas Tree was built