TTMMHTM: Guardian links data, Curtain follows people, look buff in videos
Monday, October 18th, 2010 at 2:05 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- Disruptive media released the interview with me taken at FOWA on what’s hot and cool
- The Guardian are releasing Linked Data in the Open Platform like MusicBrainz lookups using YQL
- How to stop Facebook from sharing your info with third parties is a writeup how fix this issue – Caja would have done that
- I finally managed to finish the step to upload the source text of on GitHub – please fork and translate, it is creative commons
- AI->Canvas is a plugin for Illustrator to export in HTML5 Canvas
- My little piece of privacy is a robotic curtain that moves with people peeking into your window
- An interesting discussion on wether we should do away with panels on conferences or not
- A good call to end :hover abuse
- A detailed explanation of Cameron
MollAdams’ Web Directions South intro sequence done in CSS3 and HTML5 - Some very good thoughts in composed JavaScript UI controllers with event delegation
- Entri is a lightweight alternative to Google Docs
- Movie Reshape allows you to make people in movies have more muscles and change other features
- Diminished Reality allows to remove elements of live video