TTMMHTM: Face in space, iPhone stuff, Happy Birthday PHP, woedb and Tshirt folding
Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 at 11:57 amThings that made me happy this morning:
- An interesting Nielsen research on iPhone vs. Android
- Jason Fried on hiring in never read another resume (part of Rework if I remember correctly).
- PHP is 15 years old – and a day
- woe db is another visualisation of the GeoPlanet Data data much like the GeoPlanet Explorer
- How an engineer folds a T-Shirt is a good use for an old cardboard box
- Dr. Watson can teleport – at least in the latest Sherlock Holmes game.
- Things Romanian senators watch on their laptops – FAIL - you got to love his face when he detects the camera
- Marca has a very cool Worldcup 2010 visualisation
- Talking of the world cup, Google has a nice easter egg – any search related to the cup has a Goooooal! instead of “Gooooooogle” above the pagination links.
- Norwegian Ninja could beat Chuck Norris
- My Fronteers talk video is out – learn about Hamsters, feature creatures and missed opportunities
- Everyone dials in can make phone conferences of distributed teams much less confusing
- Good tutorial on creating an iPhone optimised web site with jQTouch
- A simple introduction to E4X – great for YQL open tables
- NASA allows you to put your face in space – win, despite the cheesy launch sequence.
- The Protovis primer is a good introduction to this JavaScript visualisation library
- If San Francisco crime were elevation is an awesome visualisation – scary, too.
- Vanity is an A/B testing framework for Rails
- IMified is a IM posting framework for your scripts
- If you want lightning fast PHP, check out PHP-FPM + NGINX + APC