TTMMHTM: Book pirates, Cabinet Office, Socks of Win and browser stats
Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 at 6:55 pm- Confessions of a book pirate is the first account I’ve ever read of someone from the OCR scanning and book pirating scene. It is amazing how fast those guys are.
- is a good blog triaging the “must have” apps for your iPhone.
- Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 is a tutorial about exactly that.
- Product-recommendation startup Directed Edge now has a free API
- The Cabinet Office blog is praising the apps released based on, including my
- In case you thought three wolf moon shirts can’t be beat – I give you Fonz socks (also check the favicon of win).
- Google Reader now allows you to subscribe to any web page – even those without a feed!
- I give you the Internet
- In case you missed it – the Guardian’s World Government Data lists all the data available from different governments in one place
- Michael van Daniker has a wonderful browser stats visualization from 2002 up to now. Looks familiar :)