TTMMHTM: connections, learning is fun, machinarium and guitar hero sans guitar
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009 at 3:43 pmThings that made me happy this morning:
- A very cool infographic showing the average internet speed and prices around the world – let’s all move to Japan.
- The Fun Theory is a competition by Volkswagen to make every day things more fun to use. I talked earlier about the Piano stairs, now they also have a bin that makes a sound when you put things inside it and turned a bottle bank into an arcade machine.
- Learn something every day has interesting and quirky facts displayed in a lovely manner.
Video time – the last supper recreated with Rubik’s cubes. - Safe your logo is a campaign to ask companies that have animals as their logos to donate some money to preserve these species.
- After the deadline is a tool to check your texts for spelling errors and bad grammar. You can see a demo in action and download the open source code.
- A pretty cool solution to play guitar hero without a guitar by recognising the muscle movements.
- Interesting graphic history of newspaper circulation.
- Performance fans love to make their PNGs smaller. here’s a C# tutorial how to do that.
- Machinarium is a game that kept me busy the last few evenings and here are the artist sketches for the amazing design.
- Tok Pisin is an online translation tool from English to Pidgin English.
- I want a Lego Kitchen, I just wonder how to clean it?
- Witness the everyday life of darth vader.
- A handy flowchart how to pick your religion.