Christian Heilmann

Sunnyvale, Frankfurt, Toronto…

Thursday, August 6th, 2009 at 10:36 pm

In case you wondered why there is a bit of a lull from me on the internets right now (even before the Twitter DDOS), I am right now in Sunnyvale, California where I attended the iPhoneDevCamp and now got bogged down in team meetings and internal trainings. I feel that I am much less effective in the US because a) I am driving in a car and not in public transport where I can use a laptop and b) cubicles stop people talking to each other – I hate these things.

I am flying back across the pond tomorrow to go to Frankfurt to attend a Web Brunch and speak about mashups and YQL at the WebMontag. I then get a day to go to London, switch suitcases and fly off to Toronto, Canada to speak at the Domain Convergence.

There are some more things in the making, so bear with me :)


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