TTMMHTM: 100% male, resumes, tuning Google Adsense, communication skills
Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 6:57 am- How to make a lot more money with Google AdSense the easy way
- A good example of car customisation going very wrong
- Amazing exhibition of balloon sculptures – some of them looking like rude bits
- The German Elektrischer Reporter explains Nerds (in German of course)
- A good article on communication skills being a something that sets you apart as an excellent developer: Coder your days are numbered
- The Bible, re-enacted with Playmobile
- A great Arduino solution for a bakery that will twitter when there is new fresh bread
- If your URLs are just not big enough, use Huge URL – also notice their contact email
- There’s a new format for JPG that allows for packing it – zipping up JPG images is more or less pointless in terms of saving bytes.
- A clever trick to analyze your browser history to determine your gender – I am 100% male.
- Awesome things people put on their resume – my faves are “Married, eight children. Prefer frequent travel.” and “Never been fired, although it could happen anytime now.”
Tags: adsense, browserhistory, gender, Google, jpg, performance, playmobile, resumes