TTMMHTM: Geek chic, development quotes, passwords, Flickr scalability and the New York Times Open
Monday, February 23rd, 2009 at 12:50 pm- The top 13 software development quotes have some gems in them with my fave probably being “Nine people can’t make a baby in a month.” – Fred Brooks
- EveningArwen on Etsy has a very dishy Star Trek inspired corset for sale that should get geek heartbeats quicken.
- Sophos has a good list of passwords used by a worm to brute-force access to servers and Modern Life is Rubbish has a top 10 most common passwords list. This makes me happy and very very scared at the same time
- Andrew Woods is confused about the spatial nature of the UK and its semantics and I got the Yahoo Geo team to tackle this – blog post to come
- Todd Hoff has a good piece on How to achieve scalability by doing essential work up-front based on what was done at Flickr
- I so want a cookie monster cup cake
- The work the New York Times is doing is exciting me more and more. Their Times Open idea is spot on and it was fun meeting them at the hackdays in London.
Tags: flickr, new york times, nyt, passwords, scalability, security