Christian Heilmann

So Aral was right – the head conference was much easier

Monday, February 2nd, 2009 at 9:56 pm

I am right now rather devastated that I will miss (at least) the first day of the Web Directions North conference as London is simply shut down for the day.

traffic light in the snow

I arrived yesterday from India and got back in time to fly out to Denver from the shiny Terminal 5. I was amazed that I was not jetlagged at all and that I could keep my large suitcase in storage at the airport. What I wasn’t planning for was the snow that crippled London down to a halt. A single snow flake in London is cause for gasps and concerns, this amount however really had the city by the proverbial balls: one tube line was running without any delays, no buses were running, the roads were blocked by cars trying to go uphill in first gear when there’s a slippery road, none of the trains were running and then of course (when I arrived in time) the whole airport got shot down.

Funnily enough the web was no help either: the Transport for London web site was down, checking in at the web site was impossible and my favourite was the helpline telling you afterwards that they are overworked and you should use the web site instead…

Anyways, maybe the idea of online conferences with video presentations is really the future as a lot of aggravation can be avoided.

I will try again tomorrow to get to the airport in time to get to WDN, as it’d be such a waste not to be able to go and meet all those lovely people.

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