Christian Heilmann

Have I got tabs for you!

Thursday, May 17th, 2007 at 12:15 pm

One of the guys I keep dragging into the limelight of the web (the last time with an A List Apart article on font resize monitoring) is my colleague Lawrence Carvalho. This time he has an amazingly versatile tab interface based on the YUI on offer.

a draggable and closeable tab in action

There are many tabs solutions out there, including my DOMtab but Lawrence’s beat mine hands-down:

  • Based on design patterns described in the YUI Design Pattern library (Drop invitation, Spotlight, Fadeout)
  • URL Fragment aware (ah I have that, too) – highlights targeted patterns in the URL
  • Uses Event Delegation
  • Allows for deletion of tabs and re-ordering of tabs – including dragging a tab from one tab group to another!

Check out the example page to see the different implemenations.

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