Christian Heilmann

Interview Podcast on Web Axe

Wednesday, October 4th, 2006 at 7:58 am

[link:,Dennis Lembree] and [link:,Ross Johnson] interviewed me yesterday for the latest [link:,Webaxe] podcast.

I’ve talked a lot about my past, JavaScript, where I get inspiration, how I experienced distributed development, what I think of innerHTML and noscript, how I came to write a book, what writing a book means and lots more. The interview was done via Skype so I do sound a bit muffled, but it was much fun.

There I was talking about not believing in the “web celebrity thing” and now I plug my own interviews…

Anyways, [link:,Check out the Podcast (MP3 – 9MB) ] thanks to Dennis and Ross for grilling me.

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