B3TA.com in Web2.0 confusion
Thursday, April 13th, 2006 at 7:14 amB3ta.com is a place where people post photoshop-manipulated photos and animations. Unlike Worth1000 where the main idea is skill and immaculate photo manipulation b3ta thrives on novelty, skill, crudeness and, yes, immaturity. The joke of the picture is more important than the technical quality. Chances are you found a lot of b3ta pictures as “funny attachments” in your inbox over the years.
Every week there is a new challenge what pictures should be about and this week they picked “Imaginary Applications for Web 2.0”. The results are quite funny, although not up to the normal quality of b3ta as the contributors are utterly confused as to what Web2.0 might be about.
Warning: Some of the entries of the competition are not work safe as they might be deemed inappropriate, political incorrect and show crudely drawn comic genitalia. I warned you.