News from the browser front
Tuesday, September 20th, 2005 at 11:58 amIt seems that Microsoft have realised that the debugging options in MSIE are just not adequate to developer needs. Following the success of the fabulous Firefox developer toolbar, Microsoft now released the beta of their Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar.
And after the publicity stunt of a one day free Opera, the Norwegian company now offers Opera without any advertising from here onward, which makes Opera enthusiasts very happy bunnies indeed.
People who bought for Opera some weeks ago could feel a bit miffed by that move, but what they did is support a product they believed in and they still get all the benefits of opera mail.
Now, seeing that I am a Firefox fan, and it keeps crashing on my Mac, I wonder if it is the lack of sufficient Ram (256MB) or if there is just something very wrong with Firefox and the Dev toolbar on Macs?