TTMMHTM: Cardboard arcade, the power of music, Book tank, Book about Ada and inventing on principles
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 at 8:50 amSo here are a few Things That Made Me Happy this morning – some of them need a bit of your time, but are worth while. Two of them made me cry – not ashamed to admit.
- Caine’s Arcade is a video of a kid building his own cardboard arcade in his dad’s car parts shop. Dedication at its best
- Alive Inside tells the story of people in a nursing home who stopped reacting at all to the outside world and getting back into it by getting iPods to listen to music from their past
- Bret Victor – inventing on principle is a talk showing how the future of development, design and animation tools could look like and why you need a principle to guide you when inventing. The Live Scratchpad and the editor of the game Frogatto are demos how to implement some of these ideas
- Daniel Sternlicht’s portfolio is a fully playable 2D adventure game
- Wollstonecraft is a Kickstarter project to release a pro-math, pro-science, pro-history and pro-literature adventure novel featuring Ada Lovelace
- Travel posters for lazy people make your life look so much more glamourous
- The Hackday Manifesto sets some sensible ground-rules for hack days
- The Weapon of mass instruction is an art tank that gives out books
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