Christian Heilmann

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Archive for March, 2005

osX for cheapskates – More CSS shenanigans

Wednesday, March 30th, 2005

After all the feedback for the Star Trek CSS navigation I played some more and thought of a osX dock style navigation much like the googlex but without images.

Star Trek in CSS

Monday, March 28th, 2005

I was inspired by the menus on the Star Trek – The Next Generation DVD menus and wondered if you could do a navigation like that in pure CSS. And voila you can:
Star Trek Navigation Screenshot

Star Trek TNG styled pure CSS navigation
Feel free to use it, in case you feel like geeking out, too :-)

Generating thumbnails with PHP and GD

Saturday, March 26th, 2005

This rather old article is now moved to where it belongs and I ditched the gd1 information. It describes how you can generate thumbnails from images on the fly using PHP and the gd library.

You can check it at:

Busy sunny day, happy easter to all!

Saturday, March 26th, 2005

I spent the day on my new bicycle riding into London to go to the computerfair for some cheap hardware (USB 2 enclosure + 160GB Maxtor for 60 Pound!) and found the coolest DVD carrier case ever:
DVD carrier bag shaped like a big hamburger

I also realised that it might be handy to use the bus lane as a cyclist but rather bad for your lungs…

Click for water

Thursday, March 24th, 2005

It’s just a simple click for you, but it means that the european plastics industry donates 10 cents to ensure that people in Ethiopia get clean water. Having spent 3 months in India brushing my teeth with bottled water I gladly give that one click.